UNISTEEL offers cold rolled coils from a variety of origins and mills, suitable for many applications in general industry such as automotive industry, domestic appliances, metal furnitures, manufactures of tubes and small profiles, construction components, etc. Cold Rolled Sheet is manufactured from hot rolled coils by pickling to remove the surface oxide produced during the hot rolling stage, and cold reducing through a Cold Mill to the desired thickness.
Cold reducing steel produces an extremely low ductility product. It's usually processed further to develop desired end use characteristics such as formability, surface texture, flatness, ... Each steel family has properties which have been optimized for specific applications. Steel grade is selected as a combinaison of optimum performance, industrial feasibility and economic feasibility.

Width: 600 mm to 2069 mm
Thickness: 0.30 mm to 4.00 mm
Steel for cold forming
Blued steels
Hight Strength Low alloy steels
Structural steels
Steel with guaranteed mechanical properties
Steel with specifics chemical composition